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№ 1104  On Approval of the Instruction on Prevention of Spread of Coronavirus Infection (Covid-19) During Elections of the President of the Republic Of Uzbekistan

Unofficial translation 





№ 1104                                                                                    25 August 2021


On Approval of the Instruction on Prevention of Spread of Coronavirus Infection (Covid-19) During Elections of the President of the Republic Of Uzbekistan


In order to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being and safety of the population in the Republic of Uzbekistan, organize the coordinated activities of state and economic authorities and organizations responsible for preventing the spread of coronavirus infection, protect the lives and health of citizens, large-scale measures are being taken across the country.

In order to protect the health of the population during the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the context of the pandemic COVID-19, to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection among voters and election organizers, in accordance with Articles 14 and 16 of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan hereby decides:

1. To approve the Instruction on prevention of spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) during elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to annex.

2. To election commissions and election organizers for ensuring safe working conditions to ensure strict adherence to “Temporary sanitary rules and norms on the organization of activities of state bodies and other organizations, as well as business entities in the context of the application of restrictive measures during the pandemic COVID-19” # 0372-20, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 11 May 2020 and this Instruction.

3. To relevant state bodies, political parties and other organizations while ensuring the implementation of measures related to the preparation and conduct of elections, to strictly follow the quarantine requirements and sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological rules established by Resolutions of the Republican Special Commission on the preparation of the program of measures to prevent the entry and spread of coronavirus in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

4. To Head of the Secretariat of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Kh.Mamatov) to control:

study of the need for disinfection and protective equipment necessary for the electoral process conducted in a pandemic situation and delivery to the election commissions in accordance with the established procedure;

organization of trainings for members of election commissions on the procedure for conducting elections in a pandemic within the framework of the trainings conducted on the basis of the “Concept of organizing advanced training of members of election commissions”;

allocation of sufficient funds from the budget to finance all activities related to the electoral process, which will take place in a pandemic.

5. To communicate this resolution to all election commissions and political parties and publish it on the official website of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

6. To impose control over execution of this resolution on the Deputy Chairperson of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan B.Kuchkarov.



Chair                                                                              Z. Nizamkhodjaev