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The referendum of Uzbekistan on January 27,2002

In accordance with the Resolution of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 6, 2001 and the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Referendum of the Republic of Uzbekistan" on January 27, 2002, a broad democratic referendum was held throughout the country.

On election day more than 130 observers from 32 foreign countries, a number of international organizations, the media, as well as political parties and initiative groups of citizens were present at polling stations.

13 million 266,602 citizens were included in the voter list, the referendum was attended by 12,113,770 of them. It amounts 91.58%.

According to the results of the referendum, 11 million 344 thousand 242 or 93.65% of the voted in favor to the first question, "Do you agree to be elected by bicameral parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan?", and  768,828 or 6.35% of them voted against to the first question.

11 million 117 thousand 841 citizens or 91.78%  voted in favor who to the second question "Do you agree to change the constitutional term of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from five to seven years?"and 995,229 citizens or 8.22% of them voted against.