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Parliamentary elections on December 10, 1999

For preparatory and holding of elections to the Oliy Majlis throughout the Republic:

250 district election commissions

7723 polling stations were formed

From the nominated candidates by political parties, representative bodies and initiative groups of voters, 1010 candidates were included to the election ballots.

12 million, 692 thousand 202 people were registered as a voter. 95,03 % of them were participated in elections. It was mentioned that all 250 district election commissions were participated in voting and held elections were recognized as valid. According to the results of the elections deputies were elected from184 DEC. Among them:

“Adolat” SDP– 9 people

“Vatan taraqqiyoti” P – 9 people

“Milliy tiklanish” DP – 6 people

“Fidokorlar” NDP – 19 people

People’s DP – 32 people

Representative authorities – 98 people

Voters initiative groups – 11 people had their representatives.  

11 people were women from elected people. 

Throughout the Republic the candidates of the 66 DEC to deputies could not get higher than 50% of all voters’ amount. In accordance with this, on December 19(Sunday), re-elections were held among the 2 candidates who got the highest amount of votes.