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“Adolat” SDP of Uzbekistan and the Liberal-Democratic party of Uzbekistan submitted the list of the candidates to CEC
On November 9, 2019, in accordance with the Article 72 of the Election Code of Uzbekistan, by the head of the “Adolat” SDP of Uzbekistan and the Liberal-Democratic party of Uzbekistan applied to the Central Election Commission a request to register candidates for deputies to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

On November 9, 2019, in accordance with the Article 72 of the Election Code of Uzbekistan, by the head of the “Adolat” SDP of Uzbekistan and the Liberal-Democratic party of Uzbekistan applied to the Central Election Commission a request to register candidates for deputies to the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

According to the Election Code of Uzbekistan, the followings shall be attached to the application:

decision of the supreme body of the political party on nomination of the candidates;

a protocol of the supreme body of the political party on nomination of candidates for deputy, in which surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, profession, position (type of activity), place of work and residence, party membership as well as the name and sequence number of the constituency shall be indicated;

an application of the candidate for deputy on the consent to run him/her in the respective constituency;

an application for the resignation of a candidate for deputy, if he/she is elected as a deputy of the Legislative Chamber.

The Central Election Commission shall issue a certificate to the person who submitted the documents indicating the date and time of acceptance of the documents.

Central Election Commission shall complete the process of registration of candidates from political parties, seven days before the end of the registration period.

Central Election Commission shall examine the submitted documents within five days and make a conclusion on their conformity with the requirements of the present Code.

The Central Election Commission shall inform the heads of the respective political parties of the revealed discrepancies and deviations from the requirements of the present Code in the documents submitted for registration. The political party shall have the right to correct the revealed discrepancies and errors in the documents within two days and submit them to the Central Election Commission.

Press Service

Central Election Commission