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Observation mission of the Shanghai cooperation organization in Uzbekistan
The observation mission headed by SCO Deputy Secretary-General Xie Xiaoyong arrived in Uzbekistan. The observation mission of the Shanghai cooperation organization, which arrived at the invitation of the CEC, will monitor the processes of preparation and holding of elections to the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis.

The observation mission headed by SCO Deputy Secretary-General Xie Xiaoyong arrived in Uzbekistan. The observation mission of the Shanghai cooperation organization, which arrived at the invitation of the CEC, will monitor the processes of preparation and holding of elections to the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis.

The CEC held a meeting with members of the delegation. Chairman of the CEC M. Abdusalomov elaborated on the fact that the current parliamentary elections are held under the thrust " New Uzbekistan – New elections", also on the fact that members of election commissions were trained in courses of theoretical knowledge of electoral legislation, increased their practical experience, including an introduction of ICT in electoral process, month of electoral legislation promotion, and also on high activity of young people and increasing a role of women in the electoral process.

SCO Deputy Secretary-General Xie Xiaoyong expressed his desire to become more familiar with the openness and impartiality of the Electoral Process, the opportunities created in Uzbekistan for citizens to use their right to vote and be elected.

It should be noted that the Mission is engaged in the collection of materials relating to elections, their processing, and analysis, legal expertise of Electoral legislation, as well as monitoring of television programs and publications in the media.

Observation missions from the parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking Countries (TURKPA) and the cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States (Turkic Council) are expected to arrive in the near future. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Central Election Commission has accredited 825 international observers from the OSCE ODIHR, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the CIS, and the SCO.