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​​​​​​​The country is actively and thoroughly preparing for the upcoming Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which will be held in October this year.

The country is actively and thoroughly preparing for the upcoming Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which will be held in October this year.

Holding elections for the head of state on the basis of generally recognized international principles requires a new approach to increasing the knowledge and practical skills of members of election commissions on national electoral legislation and international electoral standards.

In accordance with the Concept of organizing advanced training of election commissions members, approved by the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, from May 17 in the regions of the country, training seminars aimed at improving the skills and legal knowledge of participants in the electoral process on organizing and conducting elections, as well as improving their qualifications.

The Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan Zayniddin Nizamkhodjaev visited a number of regions, in particular, Tashkent and Syrdarya regions, and got acquainted with the process of holding training seminars to improve the qualifications and practical skills of election commissions members.

During a similar meeting with the participants of the regional training seminar in the Jizzakh region, they discussed the implementation of important tasks outlined in the Program of the main measures for preparation for the presidential elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan, adopted by the Central Election Commission of the country. And also, about holding presidential elections at a high organizational level on the basis of national electoral legislation and generally recognized international democratic principles.

Z. Nizamkhodjaev noted that the presidential elections are of great interest not only in our country, but also abroad. It should be noted that democratic principles are firmly established in New Uzbekistan, and the world community is observing with great interest and goodwill the changes aimed at ensuring the electoral right of citizens in practice.

In the context of such large-scale changes, careful preparation is required for the upcoming elections as the most important social and political event in the life of our country, as well as their organization at a high level. There are important tasks - increasing the level of knowledge and skills of election commissions members and organizers on electoral legislation, as well as their systematic strengthening.

The Chairman of the CEC noted that the conduct of elections requires deep knowledge and great responsibility from the organizers of this process. It is necessary to be well aware of the latest changes in electoral legislation and to apply information technology in practice. In this case, comfortable conditions will be created for both voters and observers, and the transparency of the elections will be ensured.

In total, today 94 listeners have taken part in regional training seminars in Jizzakh region and have successfully passed the final tests.

The Chairman of the CEC also visited some exemplary polling stations designed for practical employment of training participants in the Jizzakh region and got acquainted with the conditions created there for voters, members of precinct election commissions and observers.

At the training seminars, which will last until May 29, 56 republican trainers trained at the Academy of Public Administration mentored over 1200 regional trainers and election organizers in the country's regions. Then regional trainers will be distributed to districts and cities to conduct trainings from June till September for more than 32 thousand candidates for chairmen, deputy chairmen and secretaries of precinct election commissions.

Press Service of CEC