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Meeting with experts Needs assessment Mission
On May 24, 2021 experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights ' Needs Assessment Mission (NAM) arrived in Uzbekistan to assess the pre-electoral situation for the upcoming presidential elections in October 2021, including preparations for the elections.

On May 24, 2021 experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights ' Needs Assessment Mission (NAM) arrived in Uzbekistan to assess the pre-electoral situation for the upcoming presidential elections in October 2021, including preparations for the elections.

Within the framework of the visit, the mission's experts  Alexey Gromov, ODIHR Senior Election Adviser and Martina Barker-Ciganikova  ODIHR Election Adviser are scheduled to meet with representatives of a number of ministries and institutions, political parties, and the media.

In accordance with the methodology of the OSCE / ODIHR, the NAM is carried out in the run-up to specific elections and, based on the results of an assessment of the pre-election situation for the elections, an analysis of the national electoral legislation compliance with generally accepted international standards, a decision is made on the appropriateness of election observation, its format, duration and the required number of observers based on the results.

On May 24, the ODIHR NAM experts met with the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Zayniddin Nizamkhodjaev.

In the meeting, the experts were informed about the implementation of the recommendations presented in the Final Report of the Mission of the OSCE on observation of Parliamentary Elections in 2019, as well as about the process of preparing and holding the upcoming presidential elections.

In particular, the implementation of acceptable recommendations reflected in the Final Report into the national electoral legislation and practice, improvement of the national legal framework on elections, measures defined in the Program of the main events for the preparation for the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan, training seminars organized throughout the country to improve the qualifications and practical skills of election commissions members, projects implemented in cooperation with the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan and the UN Development Programme Office in Uzbekistan and other activities.

Having reviewed the electoral reforms, the NAM experts welcomed the work carried out in our country to improve electoral procedures and expressed confidence that the upcoming elections will be held at a high organizational level on the basis of generally recognized international democratic principles.


Press Service of

Central Election Commission