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The meeting of the Central election commission
On August 30, 2021, the next meeting of the Central Election Commission was held. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Commission Z. Nizamkhodjaev.

The issues of establishing expert groups to verify the correctness of signature sheets submitted by political parties, accreditation of observers from international organizations in the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, accreditation of media representatives, delisting of members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan were discussed at the event.

The members of the Central Election Commission considered the first issue on the agenda of the meeting - the establishment of Expert Groups to verify the correctness of the signature sheets submitted by political parties. It should be noted that according to Article 39 of the Electoral Code, the Central Election Commission will check the correctness of the signature sheets submitted by political parties within five days. At least fifteen percent of the required number of voters' signatures and relevant information on voters who have signed the signature sheets must be verified.

The Central Election Commission may establish an Expert Group to verify the correctness of the signature sheets. The expert group will include experts from law enforcement agencies, the judiciary, as well as representatives of civil society institutions.

Authorized representatives of political parties shall take part in the verification of signature sheets. The meeting also considered the issue of accreditation of observers from international organizations participating in the presidential election.

It was noted that in accordance with Article 33 of the Electoral Code, observers from political parties, citizens' self-government bodies, as well as other states and international organizations carry out their activities on the basis of mandates issued by the relevant commissions. Interested organizations shall notify election commissions of their observers at least ten days before the election.

Within five days of receiving the application from the interested organization, the election commission shall issue a mandate for the observer. Mandates for observers from other countries and international organizations are issued by the Central Election Commission.

In accordance with the CEC decision on accreditation of observers from international organizations in the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 3 international observers from the OSCE / ODIHR were registered at the meeting. In addition, 36 local media representatives were registered at the meeting in accordance with the CEC decision on accreditation of media representatives.It should be noted that to date, the number of accredited local media is 766, and the number of foreign media is 48. During the meeting, a draft resolution on the exclusion of T. Kholdarov from the list of members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was considered.

According to the decision of the CEC, Topiboldi Kholdarov was removed from the list of members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis due to his death. At the end of the meeting, the relevant decisions of the Central Election Commission were adopted on the issues on the agenda.

Central Election Commission

Press service