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Regular meeting of the CEC
On September 23 2021, the Central Election Commission held a regular meeting. The meeting was headed by the Chairman of the Commission Z. Nizamkhodjaev.

The main issues on the agenda of the meeting were the approval of the form and text of the ballot paper for the Presidential election of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the accreditation of observers from international organizations and the accreditation of media representatives.

First, the members of the Commission considered the issue of approving the form and text of the ballot paper for the Presidential election of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with Article 31 of the Election Code, Surname, name and patronymic of the candidate shall be entered in the ballot paper in alphabetical order with an indication of a date of birth and political party nominating him/her.

The Ballot paper shall contain an explanation of the order for filling it out.

Ballot papers shall be published in the official language, as well as in the languages spoken by the majority of the population of the respective district upon the decision of the district election commission. Stencils in Braille can be made to fill out ballots.

In accordance with Article 32 of the Election Code, Precinct election commissions shall receive ballot papers from district election commissions at least three days before voting day, as well as before that. The chairperson or deputy chairperson or secretary of the district and precinct election Commission shall confirm the issuance and receipt of ballots with their signature on the relevant document.

Based on the information provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the number of voters at polling stations established at diplomatic and other representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries, the Central Election Commission ensures the production and delivery of ballots.

The number of ballot papers received by the precinct election commission cannot be more than half a percent of the number of citizens included in lists of the precinct. In the upper right corner of ballot paper two members of the precinct election commission shall sign and signatures shall be confirmed by the seal of the precinct election commission. A ballot paper not confirmed by the precinct election commission shall not be taken into account when counting votes.

The meeting also considered the issue of accreditation of observers from international organizations participating in the Presidential election of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It was noted that to date, 40 international observers from 6 foreign countries and the ODIHR OSCE have been registered.

In accordance with the decision of the CEC on accreditation of observers from international organizations participating in the Presidential election Republic of Uzbekistan (the Commonwealth of Independent States (7), the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States (25), the Economic Cooperation Organization (1) and the Republic of Azerbaijan (2) (2), Republic of Kazakhstan (3), Latvia (1), Egypt (5), Russian Federation (5), Singapore (3), Turkey (5), Ukraine (1), Czech Republic (1), Japan (2) ) and Kuwait (3)) а total of 66 foreign observers were registered. The Central Election Commission provides mandates to international observers to carry out their activities during the preparation and conduct of elections within the statutory period.

The members of the commission also considered the issue of accreditation of media representatives.

It was noted that the Central Election Commission has received 53 applications from the media. At the meeting, the draft resolution on accreditation of media representatives was unanimously approved and 167 representatives of 53 local media outlets were accredited. The total number of accredited local and foreign media is 1129 (48 foreigners), at present.

During the meeting, the reports of the chairmen of Andijan, Navoi and Surkhandarya district election commissions on the preparations for the elections were heard.

The decisions included in the agenda of the meeting were adopted by open voting by a majority vote of the total number of members of the commission. It should be noted that the decisions of the Central Election Commission come into force from the moment of their adoption.

Central Election Commission

Press service