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The 54th plenary session of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly was held in Uzbekistan
On October 28 of this year, the 54th plenary session of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly was held in Samarkand for the first time.

The agenda of the meeting includes such issues as legislative support for electoral processes in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as the development of legislative norms to support cinematography and theater in our country.

It was attended by the heads and members of the delegations of the parliaments of the IPA CIS member states, representatives of international organizations, scientists and experts, as well as the Chairman of the Central Election Commission Z.Nizamkhodjaev.

Z. Nizamkhodjayev, in his speech on the topic "On legislative support of electoral processes in the CIS member States", noted that in order to promote the improvement of the electoral process in the CIS member states, taking into account their experience in the field of elections and referendums in accordance with the legislation and international obligations of the CIS member states, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan the initiative to create an advisory body within the Commonwealth.

As noted, the establishment of the Advisory Council of the Heads of Electoral Bodies of the CIS member States seems to be a logical continuation of the implementation in practice of the main provisions of the Convention on Standards of Democratic Elections, Electoral Rights and Freedoms in the States of Cooperation.


CEC Press Service