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Speech of the Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Bakhrom Kuchkarov, at the briefing

Speech of the Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Bakhrom Kuchkarov, at the briefing

CEC press center

April 30, 2023

Time: 16: 00 


Dear conference participants!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

As we have already informed you, the citizens' vote on the referendum of the Republic of Uzbekistan is in full swing.

Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan are politically active during the referendum.

Currently, information on the number of voters from all 10,758 referendum precincts on the territory of the Republic is being collected.

According to the information received by 3:00 p.m., 14 million 206 thousand 21 citizens, i.e. 73.17 percent of the citizens registered in the lists on the territory of Uzbekistan, have participated in the referendum.

In this way, when looking at a region-by-region perspective:

1st Karakalpakstan Referendum District- 76.56 percent;

2nd Andijan Referendum District - 78.46 percent;

3rd Bukhara Referendum District - 69.80 percent;

4th-Jizzak Referendum District - 72.71 percent;

5th-Navoi Referendum District - 69.25 percent;

6th Namangan Referendum District - 74.76 percent;

7th Samarkand Referendum District - 73.70 percent;

8th Syrdarya Referendum District - 78.83 percent;

9th Surkhandarya Referendum District - 69.56 percent;

10th Referendum District of Tashkent region - 71.36 percent;

11th Fergana Referendum District - 77.53 percent;

12th Khorezm Referendum District - 72.08 percent;

13th Kashkadarya Referendum District - 70.97 percent;

In the 14th Tashkent City Referendum District - 68.49 per cent of citizens voted.

Voting in referendum precincts in Vladivostok, Tokyo, Seoul and Gwangju is now complete. Counting and tabulation of ballots has begun in these precincts.

Voting continues in referendum precincts established in other foreign countries.

It should be recalled that 307,895 citizens are registered in the lists of voters at the referendum precincts abroad. Of these, 159,276 have voted early.

Thank you for your attention!