By Region
Region election comissions
Республика Каракалпакстан
1st Karakalpakstan referendum district
Jalmenov Ulikbek Abilayevich
The building of the Agency for Youth Affairs of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus city, Karakalpstan street, house No. 23
Андижанская область
2nd Andijan referendum district
Komilov Komiljon Sobirovich
The building of the Agency for Youth Affairs of the Andijan region, Andijan city, Chulpan avenue, house No. 187
Бухарская область
3rd Bukhara referendum district
Daminov Mirzohid Islomovich
The building of the Youth Center, Bukhara, Alisher Navoi Avenue, house No. 10
Джизакская область
4th Jizzakh referendum district
Sharipov Shavkat Safarovich
The building of the Jizzakh regional department of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh city, Islam Karimov street, house No. 169
Навоийская область
5th Navoi referendum district
Tog‘ayeva Nazira Mamanazarovna
The building of the Youth Center, Navoi city, Memorlar street, microdistrict 8
Наманганская область
6th Namangan referendum district
Turg‘unov Sobitxon Toshpo‘latovich
The building of the Namangan Regional Cultural Center, Namangan city, Davlatabad district, Islam Karimov street, house No. 5
Самаркандская область
7th Samarkand referendum district
Toshev Farmon Isxakovich
The building of the Youth Center, Samarkand city, Abdurakhmon Zhomy street, house No. 63
Сырдарьинская область
8th Syrdarya referendum district
Nuritdinov Jamshidxon Mamutxonovich
The building of the center of entrepreneurs and artisans, the city of Gulistan, the gathering of citizens of the mahalla "Buston", Sohil buyi street, house No. 104
Сурхандарьинская область
9th Surkhandarya referendum district
Xujaqulov Abdisalom Pardayevich
The building of the Information and Resource Center of Termez State University, Termez city, Alisher Navoi street, house No. 42
Ташкентская область
10th Tashkent referendum district
Tuxtayev Ulugbek Kidiraliyevich
The building of "Tashkent-telecom" of the Tashkent regional branch of the joint-stock company "Uzbektelecom", Nurafshan city, Babur street, house No.1
Ферганская область
11th Fergana referendum district
Nuraliyev Erkin Nazurullayevich
The building of the Fergana regional Kengash of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, Fergana city, Al-Fargoni street, house No. 7
Хорезмская область
12th Khorezm referendum district
Abdullayev Baxrom Ismoilovich
The building of the Youth Center, Urgench city, Pakhlavon Mahmud street, house No. 59/1