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Issues related to the organization of polling stations established in the UK, accreditation of observers and media representatives from foreign countries and international organizations were considered at the regular session of the Central Election Commission organized in a format of videoconference on December 10.

Issues related to the organization of polling stations established in the UK, accreditation of observers and media representatives from foreign countries and international organizations were considered at the regular session of the Central Election Commission organized in a format of videoconference on December 10.

The chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan M. Abdusalomov emphasized that consistent work is being carried out to fully ensure the electoral rights of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan living abroad.

According to the CEC decision, 55 polling stations have been established at diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries, which are assigned to 12 electoral districts in Tashkent for the election of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Electoral commissions abroad are provided with organizational and methodological assistance in the organization and conduct of elections.

Report of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Said Rustamov was heard during the established direct videoconference with our ambassador in London.

According to the Ambassador, activity of polling station №26, established in London and assigned to Darkhan electoral district №140 of Tashkent is organized in accordance with the electoral legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Currently, our compatriots through the official website of the Embassy can obtain all detailed information about the upcoming elections, including a location and a day of voting.

It was noted that participation of foreign observers in preparation and conduct of elections to the parliament and local councils is one of the important measures to ensure transparency and openness of the electoral process.

When the CEC announced the election campaign on September 20 of this year, it sent invitations to international organizations and a number of foreign countries to observe the elections. This demonstrated transparency and openness of electoral process in our country, responsibility of Uzbekistan in the framework of international documents and commitment to the internationally recognized democratic principles. To date, the CEC has accredited 168 international observers.

According to the Regulation “On observers from foreign states and international organizations participating in the elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided documents of members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization observer mission.


The CEC members accepted decision to register 18 members of the SCO observer mission as international observers.

The CEC continues accreditation of local and foreign journalists to expand media coverage of the election campaign.

Journalists of the non-governmental news Agency "Uzlife", the Indian magazine "Outlook", the Indonesian TV channel "Metro TV", the Malaysian state TV channel "TV Alhijrah", the Qatari TV channel "al-Jazeera" were accredited during the meeting. Members of the commission decided to accredit 12 more local and foreign journalists participating in coverage of the elections.

Currently, the number of accredited local media representatives has reached 267. In particular, the number of accredited foreign media representatives amounted to 125.

During the meeting, participants noted that the election campaign of participating political parties in the electoral process was conducted in accordance with the electoral legislation, candidates have spent about 22 thousand meetings with voters, more than 25 thousand materials about election campaign of parties and candidates have been published and broadcasted through mass media, online messengers and websites.

At the same time, the results of media and social network monitoring, as well as appeals from “Call Center” show that the election campaigns of political parties and candidates have not covered all voters yet. Population is not sufficiently informed about all candidates for deputies and their program areas. In particular, it is difficult to find election campaign media materials and posters in all streets, makhallas and densely populated areas of Tashkent city.

It demonstrates that candidates need to intensify their promotion activities and organize more direct meetings with the public. First of all, political parties and candidates are interested in these activities, as the campaign will end after 11 days.

The meeting participants also noted that there were almost no banners and posters about the upcoming elections at the streets of Tashkent city, especially banners of parties and their candidates. At the end of the meeting, members of the Central election Commission were instructed to study the statistics of posters and banners on election campaign at the streets of the capital and to overcome its shortcomings.


Press service of the CEC