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Speech of the Chairman of the Central election Commission Mirzo Ulugbek Abdusalomov at a briefing on the election results
In total, 3 million 147 thousand 79 voters were included in the Unified electronic list of voters, of which 1 million 978 thousand 48 voters took part in repeated voting. Thus, 62.8 percent of the citizens, included in the Unified electronic list of voters, took part in this process


International press center of the Central election Commission

Date: January 6, 2020 Time: 13: 00


Dear participants of the briefing, ladies and gentlemen!

All of us are well aware that on December 22, 2019, a big political process - the election of deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local Kengashes was conducted in Uzbekistan. According to the Decision of the Central election Commission from December 25, 2019, none of the candidates could get enough votes in first-round elections in 25 electoral districts and the date of repeat voting was set on January 5, 2020, in which each district was attended by two candidates who received more votes than the others.

The day before,on January 5, a repeat vote was held in 25 electoral districts at 1730 polling stations.

In total, 3 million 147 thousand 79 voters were included in the Unified electronic list of voters, of which 1 million 978 thousand 48 voters took part in repeated voting. Thus, 62.8 percent of the citizens, included in the Unified electronic list of voters, took part in this process.

It is worth to note that despite article 59 of the Electoral Code, which indicates that revote percentage of voter participation is not taken into account, however, 62.8 percent of voters took part in the second-round elections, what is the evidence of increasing political and legal culture of citizens, their strong relation to the formation of a new Parliament, to the large-scale reforms and transformations in Uzbekistan, a purposeful policy with the priority of human interests and improvement of the quality and standard of living.

In the repeat vote, victory is achieved by a majority of votes.

The process was observed by more than 5 thousand observers from political parties and self-government bodies of citizens. I would also like to note the extensive coverage of the event by local and foreign media accredited by the CEC, as well as by local journalists accredited by the territorial election commissions.

On December 25, 2019, the Central election Commission registered 125 candidates elected by deputies. They are:

- 42 representatives of the UzLiDeP,

- 34 representatives of the "Milliy Tiklanish" DP,

- 20 representatives of the SDP " Adolat",

- 18 representatives of the PDPU,

- 11 representatives of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan.

According to the results of repeated voting on January 5, on the basis of final counting and protocols of 25 district election commissions, the following was revealed:

11 of the 15 candidates from the UzLiDeP,

2 of the 11 candidates from the DP “Milliy Tiklanish”,

4 of the 9 representatives from the PDPU,

4 of 10 candidates SDP Adolat 

4 of the 5 candidates from the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan were elected to the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis.

The CEC decided to register them at the meeting that has recently conducted. The formation of the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis is fully completed. So, at the end of two rounds, i.e. in general, the results of the elections in the Parliament as follows:

1. 53 deputies from the UzLiDeP,

2. 36 deputies from the DP " Milliy Tiklanish",

3.24 deputies from SDP “Adolat”,

4. 22 deputies from the NDPU,

5. 15 deputies from the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan.

Among the deputies, 9 people or 6 percent are under the age of 30, 97 people or 65 percent are between the ages of 30 and 50, and 44 deputies or 29 percent are over 50 years old. The youngest deputy is 26 years old, while the oldest one is 71.

130 deputies or 87 percent are Uzbek, 20 deputies or 13 percent are representatives of other nationalities. 5 deputies represent Karakalpak and Russian nationalities, 3 deputies are Tajik and Kazakh, 2 deputies are Korean, by one representative from Kirgiz and Turkmen nationalities.

According to their profession and specialization, 32 deputies, or 21.3 percent are representatives of of science and education, 23 deputies or 15.3 percent are representatives of banking, financial institutions and economy sectors, 21 deputies or 14 percent are lawyers, 21 are from public and non-profit organizations,12 deputies or 8 percent are experts in agrosphere, 9 members or 6% of the representatives are from medicine, also 9 deputies worked in the fields of construction, communications, transport and communications, 6 deputies or 4 percent are media representatives, 7 deputies or 5 percent are from business and entrepreneurship, the remaining 10 deputies or 6.7 percent are representatives of other spheres.

Article 6 of the new version of the law “On the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan” indicates that the Prime Minister's candidacy is proposed by the political party that has won the majority of seats in Parliament or by several political parties that have received the largest number of parliamentary seats. According to this Law, the right to nominate a Prime Minister was granted to the movement of entrepreneurs and businesspeople, the liberal democratic party of Uzbekistan.

The Central Electoral Commission during its next regular meetings will take a decision on convocation of joint meetings of Jokargy Kenes of Karakalpakstan, regional, district and city Kengashes of people's deputies on elections for the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, as well as the first meeting of the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and will inform through the media.

Dear compatriots!

The elections to the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis and local Kengashes of people's deputies held under the slogan "New Uzbekistan - New elections" have come to an end. Millions of voters and numerous international observers first of all noted that the elections were held in full compliance with the Constitution and the new electoral code, as well as with international standards.

People of Uzbekistan demonstrated their satisfaction with the results of the state's policy and their activity in the elections expressed support for reforms in all spheres of life. Votes were given in support of freedom and justice, the progress of the country, for the future and well-being of the people and our children.

Uzbekistan meets the year 2020 with a renewed Parliament and Kengash of people's deputies, and a few days later with a newly elected composition of the government and local Executive power.

Let the New year be a successful one for the renewed Uzbekistan in all aspects. On behalf of the members of the Central election Commission, let me congratulate all our people on the new year and on the successful conduct of the elections!

Thanks for your attention!