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Georgia's new parliament has been elected
Georgia's new parliament was elected on October 31, 2020. For the first time in Georgia, elections were held on the basis of a new mixed system, according to which 120 deputies will be elected under the proportional system and 30 under the majority system. The elections were attended by 48 parties and two blocs, as well as candidates nominated by 11 initiative groups in single-member constituencies.

Georgia's new parliament was elected on October 31, 2020. For the first time in Georgia, elections were held on the basis of a new mixed system, according to which 120 deputies will be elected under the proportional system and 30 under the majority system. The elections were attended by 48 parties and two blocs, as well as candidates nominated by 11 initiative groups in single-member constituencies.

The total number of polling stations was 3,657. In addition, 52 polling stations were set up in 38 countries. Voting across the country began at 8 a.m. Saturday and lasted until 8 p.m.

The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia has announced the results of voting in all polling stations. According to preliminary results, 9 parties crossed the 1% threshold and won seats in parliament: "Georgia's Dream - Democratic Georgia" (48.24%), "United National Movement" (27.16%), "European Georgia" (3.79%), “Agmashenebeli strategy” (3.15%), “Lelo” (3.15%), “Patriotic Alliance” (3.14%), “Girchi” (2.89%), “Citizens” (1, 33%), the Labor Party (1%). In 14 of the 30 single-member constituencies, the Georgian Dream party won, while the remaining 16 seats will be re-voted.

The parliamentary elections in Georgia were monitored by 910 international observers from about 13,000 local election observation organizations, including representatives of election bodies of 5 foreign countries, 20 diplomatic missions and 23 international organizations, as well as more than 118 media outlets.

In particular, members of the Uzbek delegation headed by Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission M. Istamov took part in the observation of these elections. During the visit, members of the delegation met with the Chairman of the CEC of Georgia.

During the event, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Georgia Tamar Zhvania briefed on the electoral system of Georgia and its innovations, the work done in preparation for the elections.

The Uzbek delegation noted that the elections in Georgia were held in accordance with national legislation and international electoral standards, as well as appropriate preventive measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection and ensure the security of the voting process.