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A meeting was held with the UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan Matilda Dimovska
On March 11, 2021, an online meeting was held between the Chairman of the CEC Z. Nizamkhodzhaev and the UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan Matilda Dimovska.

On March 11, 2021, an online meeting was held between the Chairman of the CEC Z. Nizamkhodzhaev and the UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan Matilda Dimovska.


The meeting was also attended by the senior consultant on the conduct of elections G. Baratashvili, the head of the UNDP department K. Mukhamedkhanova, from the Uzbek side - the head of the CEC Secretariat H. Mamatov and employees of the CEC Secretariat.


The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the activities carried out within the framework of the cooperation project on the theme "Support of the electoral process in Uzbekistan in 2019-2021".


M. Dimovska, expressing gratitude for this organized meeting, emphasized the effectiveness of the joint work carried out on the eve of the 2019 parliamentary elections and the work done in 2020 to implement a number of practical recommendations noted in the final report of the OSCE / ODIHR in reforming the electoral sphere. She also noted that the joint project was the first project of the UNDP office in Uzbekistan, aimed at the field of elections. At the same time, the UNDP Office in Uzbekistan expressed its readiness to continue cooperation, to attract experienced international and foreign experts in the field of elections, to exchange experience during the preparation and conduct of the Presidential elections this year.


The CEC Chairman, expressing gratitude for the views expressed by Matilda Dimovski, informed in detail about the latest changes and ongoing work in the electoral system of Uzbekistan.


In particular, having critically examined the activities carried out during the organization and conduct of the 2019 parliamentary elections, it was noted that analytical information, existing problems and proposals for their solution were brought to the attention of the general public.


Taking into account the recommendations of the observer missions of international organizations, in February of this year, the Law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Connection with the Improvement of Electoral Legislation” was adopted. It was noted that this document amended the Constitution and a number of laws regarding the timing of elections, the procedure for submission of interim and final financial reports by political parties before and after the elections, as well as the publication of the results of the audit of the activities of parties by the Accounts Chamber.


M. Dimovska stressed that the reforms carried out in the electoral sphere undoubtedly bear fruit, in particular, they were reflected in a number of positive changes in the electoral system of Uzbekistan during the 2019 parliamentary elections, which was also noted in the final report of the OSCE / ODIHR.


G. Baratashvili, stressing the effectiveness of the joint work carried out on electoral reforms and the accumulation of great experience over the past time despite the pandemic, added that now it is expected to conduct events aimed at improving the qualifications of election participants, supporting the activity of women, youth, people with disabilities in elections.


The parties noted that this meeting is of great importance not only for strengthening the exchange of experience and cooperation in the field of elections, but also for increasing the fruitfulness of the goals set.

Press service

Central Election Commission