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A meeting was held with the participation of the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Latvia
On March 21, 2021, an online meeting of the Chairman of the CEC Z. Nizamhodzhaev with the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Latvia Kristine Berzinej took place.

On March 21, 2021, an online meeting of the Chairman of the CEC Z. Nizamhodzhaev with the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Latvia Kristine Berzinej took place.

The meeting was attended by the chief specialist of the International Relations Department of the CEC of Latvia Tatiana Kastena, from the Uzbek side - the member of the CEC G. Rakhimova and the leading consultant of the International Cooperation Department of the Secretariat of the CEC I. Ubaydullaeva.

The meeting was organized to familiarize with the reforms in the electoral system and the activities of the electoral bodies of the two countries. Christine Berzina congratulated Z. Nizamkhodzhaev on his appointment to the post of Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, expressed warm wishes.

In turn, the chairman of the CEC gave detailed information on the latest changes and ongoing work in the electoral system of Uzbekistan, noting that analytical information with a critical study of the activities for organizing and holding the parliamentary elections in 2019, as well as existing problems and proposals for their solution were brought to the general public.

They also touched upon the essence of the Law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the improvement of electoral legislation" adopted in February this year.

In turn, K. Berzina introduced the work carried out by the Latvian CEC, including the changes in the legislation of Latvia in the context of preparations for the local elections to be held on June 5 this year. In particular, it was emphasized about the planned online registration of voters at polling stations and changes in the voting of Latvian citizens in foreign countries via mail.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed satisfaction with the strengthening of mutual cooperation and ties.


Press service

Central Election Commission