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Signing memoranda of cooperation
On July 14, the Central Election Commission signed a number of memoranda with the National TV and Radio Company, the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan, National Association of Electronic Media of Uzbekistan (NAESMI), the Zo’r TV, the Dunyo and Uzreport news agencies aiming at strengthening cooperation with the media during the presidential elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Extensive coverage of the preparatory work and the election process is under special focus.

On July 14, the Central Election Commission signed a number of memoranda with the National TV and Radio Company, the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan, National Association of Electronic Media of Uzbekistan (NAESMI), the Zo’r TV, the Dunyo and Uzreport news agencies aiming at strengthening cooperation with the media during the presidential elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Extensive coverage of the preparatory work and the election process is under special focus.

In compliance with all the norms of the electoral legislation, the document specifies important tasks concerning the activities of election commissions, timely update of information about the election programs of candidates and political parties.

The participants noted the importance of the media for holding elections based on openness, accountability and transparency.

During the election campaign, citizens will be informed about all important events and news due to well-arranged work of the media. The media will cover the activities of election commissions and other events, enhancing the political activity of the population. It will certainly expand the civil participation in the political and social life of our country.


For information:

During the 2019 elections campaign for the Legislative Chamber, regional, district and municipal councils of people's deputies were prepared 16 738 TV materials, 6914 radio broadcasts, 4771 print media materials, 2278 website publications, as well as 3435 Telegram and 6723 other social networks publications. In total, almost 40 860 nationwide election materials

In addition, were published over 40,800 materials concerning the activities of political parties and more than 100 articles in international media.


CEC press service