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Seminar-training for district election commission members was organised
On August 18, a two-day training seminar for members of district election commissions conducting elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan began at the Academy of Public Administration on the basis of the concept of training of members of election commissions approved by the Central Election Commission.

The opening ceremony was attended by heads and professors of the Central Election Commission, the Academy of Public Administration, Tashkent State Law University and the media.

As noted by the speakers at the event, in this year will be an important political event in the life of our state and people - the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This places a huge responsibility on election commissions at all levels.

The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan has identified as an important task the formation of the knowledge of members of election commissions on electoral legislation and international standards on a systematic basis.

Based on the tasks set, in April this year, the concept of organizing advanced training of members of election commissions was approved. The concept covers the organization and conduct of training seminars for members of election commissions aimed at improving the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of electoral legislation and the use of modern information technologies in elections in three stages.

To date, comprehensive training aimed at improving the skills of the organizers of the election process of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on electoral legislation has been conducted in several stages throughout the country.

A total of 266 chairmen, deputy chairmen, secretaries and members of the district election commissions are taking part in the next training session.

The seminar-training will be conducted by a group of experts from the Academy of Public Administration and Tashkent State Law University on the basis of the curriculum and teaching materials developed by these experts.

The two-day training will cover a wide range of topics, including the organization of district election commissions, equipment of district and PEC buildings and voting rooms, constitutional and legal framework for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, powers and responsibilities of election commissions, voter lists.


Central Election Commission

Press service