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It is important that young people participate in the elections, the future of the country depends on it
As part of the implementation of a joint project by the Central Election Commission with the UNDP Office in Uzbekistan "Support to the electoral process in Uzbekistan for 2019-2021", events are being held to support the more active participation of women, youth, and people with disabilities in the upcoming elections on October 24 of this year.

And in this direction, a number of activities are being carried out.

Today, a meeting of the permanent member of the CEC Gulnoza Rakhimova and the chief technical adviser on elections of UNDP Georgy Baratashvili with the students of the branch of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov.

The main objective of the event is to explain to the youth audience the electoral legislation, to raise their awareness of the electoral process.

It was noted that the issue of the conscious participation of the country's youth in the elections should be given special attention. Through holding such events, the level of knowledge of young voters in Uzbekistan about the basics of the electoral process, their activity and involvement in political processes is increased, and they form a responsible attitude towards their political right to elect and be elected.

“It is important that young people take part in the elections, the future of the country depends on them. You, as young voters, should know the electoral legislation well, use your active electoral right - the right of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan to vote in elections, ”said G. Rakhimova, a permanent member of the CEC.

Addressing the audience, G. Baratashvili noted: “Many of you will participate in the elections for the first time. I would like to emphasize the importance of this kind of meeting that heightens voters' awareness of the elections. You can share the information you received today with your family members so that they are well aware of Election Day, which was moved from December to October this year. Thus, you will support their active participation in the elections as voters. "

In her speech, G. Rakhimova told the students about the radical differences between the current election campaign and the previous elections, introduced them to the main stages of the election campaign in 2021, the legal status of the subjects of the electoral process, a single electronic voter list, etc.

The meeting also discussed international observation of the upcoming elections.

In particular, it was noted that the role of observers, both national and international, is important not only from the point of view of a technical assessment of the electoral process, but also for increasing transparency and confidence in the elections.

“The growth of international surveillance has made a significant contribution to the development of national, non-partisan surveillance through partnerships established with international observer missions. The publication of monitoring reports along with a set of recommendations provides a comprehensive assessment of the electoral process and helps governments determine ways to further improve the electoral legislation, ”Baratashvili stressed.

At the end of the meeting, an exchange of views took place on topical issues of the electoral process.


Central Election Commission

Press Service