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CEC members learns about preparation process for Presidential election in electoral districts and stations
According to the calendar plan of the Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved by the Central Election Commission, from September 10 to 13 this year, the composition of precinct election commissions at 10,760 polling stations was approved by 14 district election commissions for the Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Precinct election commissions include 142,044 members of the commissions of 10,760 polling stations.

These days, a member of the Central Election Commission, working on a permanent basis, Bakhodir Yunusov, is in the Andijan, Namangan and Fergana regions to monitor the country's regions and provide practical assistance to district and precinct election commissions on their main tasks in preparation for the presidential elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

A member of the commission examines preparations for elections at polling stations located in these territories, including the equipment of polling stations, compliance with sanitary and hygienic measures.

Note that 931 polling stations have been created in Andijan, 831 in Namangan and 1203 in the Fergana region. Currently, 13 801 members of precinct election commissions operate in Andijan, 11 165 in Namangan and 16 800 in Fergana.

It is worth noting that, in accordance with Article 50 of the Election Code, the voting premises must be bright and spacious, have a separate entrance and exit, and they must also have ramps for persons with disabilities.

Along with this, the premises of precinct election commissions should be equipped accordingly and have the State flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a sign indicating the serial number of the polling station, a booth or room for secret voting, ballot boxes, separate seats for observers, posters dedicated to the election date, a map of the polling station, information on the composition, work plan, duty schedule of members of the precinct election commission, a special stand that contains information on the preparation and conduct of elections, biographies and programs of all registered candidates published by the Central Election Commission, regional, district, by the city election commission, necessary furniture, office equipment, fire-fighting equipment.

The precinct election commission, after receiving information about the voters residing in the territory of the given electoral precinct, take measures to clarify it by conducting a door-to-door round.

During the studies, the members of the precinct election commission were given appropriate recommendations on the issue considered.


Central Election Commission

Press service