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International observers learns the activities of the electoral district in Karakalpakstan
In these days is continuing thoroughly preparation for Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan throughout of the country, which will be held on October 24 of this year. Long-term observers from several prestigious international organizations have arrived in our country to get acquainted with the preparations for this political process.

A group of international observers visited the Republic of Karakalpakstan and got acquainted with the activities of the 1st Karakalpak District Election Commission.

International observers met with the chairman of the district election commission U. Jalmenov. The observers were given detailed information on the work done in accordance with the program of the main measures for the preparation and conduct of the elections.

“We have come to observe the political process in your country,” said Jacob Herald, long-term observer of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. - We are one of 14 delegations who came to observe the process around the country. We met with the chairman of the 1st district election commission of Karakalpakstan and received information about the preparations for the elections. About 250 more short-term observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe are expected to arrive on election day to observe the political process.

We plan to visit all regions of Karakalpakstan to observe the preparations for the elections. We have just received the addresses of the polling stations. We will try to observe the political process, as far as possible, going to the polling stations located in remote areas. We have been in Nukus for two days already, the city is very beautiful, the streets are wide. Now let's start getting to know the polling stations.

During the meeting, observers inquired about the addresses and boundaries of polling stations, as well as information about the members of the commissions. It was reported that in accordance with the electoral legislation, the information was published in the central and local editions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, observers got acquainted with the newspapers. They also received answers to their questions, including the procedure for selecting candidates for members of precinct election commissions.

Press center of the 1st district election commission of Karakalpakstan