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Foreign observers learns about preparation process for elections in Surkhandarya
OSCE long-term observer Linden Yohanna and short-term observer Ramaska Ricardas got acquainted with the activities of the 9th Surkhandarya District Election Commission for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The observers were interested in the process of preparation for an important political process in the life of our country.

During the meeting, the chairman of the 9th Surkhandarya District Election Commission, Salohiddin Sattorov, provided information to international observers about this.

On the territory of this district, 860 polling stations have been organized, where preparations for Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which will be held on October 24 of this year, are in full swing. In accordance with national legislation, for the conduct of open and transparent elections, members of district election commissions provide direct assistance in organizing the work of precinct election commissions.

Prepared banners, stands of all samples were transferred to the precinct election commissions. They are also provided with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Election Code, new textbooks, a set of electoral legislation and legal information materials, election posters.

Today, all polling stations are equipped in accordance with the Election Code, special attention is paid to creating favorable conditions for voters. Members of precinct election commissions conduct a door-to-door round to register citizens included in the Unified Electronic Voter List. Identify voters with disabilities and young people voting for the first time.

International observers noted the conditions created for voters with disabilities, voting during the pandemic with the observance of quarantine measures, the impact of recent events in Afghanistan on the electoral process, the formation of precinct election commissions and the participation of women in them, as well as the consideration of appeals and complaints regarding the elections.

Linden Johanna thanked the Chairman of the 9th Surkhandarya District Election Commission Salohiddin Sattorov for the sincere conversation.