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On October 5, 2021, a regular meeting of the Central Election Commission took place. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Commission Z. Nizamkhodzhaev.


The agenda includes the organization of early voting at polling stations, accreditation of observers from foreign countries and international organizations who will participate in the presidential elections in Uzbekistan, as well as accreditation of media representatives.

The information of the chairmen of some district election commissions on the preparation and conduct of the Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan was also heard.

The members of the Commission first considered the issue of organizing early voting at polling stations.

In accordance with Article 57 of the Election Code, A voter who is unable to stay at his / her place of residence on election day shall have the right of early voting. Early voting begins ten days before the election and ends three days before the election.

In accordance with Article 56 of the Election Code, Early voting in densely populated areas by voters in foreign countries can be conducted at the voter's place of residence in accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan and agreements with authorized state bodies of foreign states.

A precinct election commission, formed at the diplomatic and other representation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a foreign state, makes a decision on the time and place of voting at the place of residence of voters and informs voters and observers about this through the media.

As noted at the meeting, early voting will be held from October 14, 2021 until the end of the day on October 20, 2021. Early voting at the polling station will last from 9:00 to 19:00.

Early voting at polling stations created at diplomatic and other representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad is carried out from 9:00 to 19:00 local time at the location of these polling stations.

The members of the Commission also considered the issue of accrediting observers from foreign countries and international organizations at the Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It was noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted to the CEC submissions on the accreditation of 65 foreign (international) observers. In accordance with this, 65 international observers from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Hague Conference, as well as from Belgium, Greece, France, the Netherlands were registered at the meeting on the basis of the CEC decision on the accreditation of observers from international organizations. Azerbaijan, Russia, Armenia, Tajikistan and Ukraine.

Thus, as of today, 224 observers from foreign countries and international organizations have been accredited for the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Central Election Commission presents mandates to international observers to carry out their activities during the preparation and conduct of elections within the time frame established by law.

The members of the Commission considered the issue of accreditation of media representatives.

It was noted that the Central Election Commission received applications from 17 local and 84 foreign media outlets. The meeting unanimously approved a draft resolution on the accreditation of media representatives, and 179 representatives of local and foreign media were accredited.

Currently, 1334 representatives of local media and 146 representatives of foreign media are accredited.

During the meeting, reports were heard from the chairmen of the electoral districts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Bukhara, Syrdarya and Tashkent regions on the preparations for the elections.

At the meeting, the members of the Commission unanimously adopted resolutions on the issues included in the agenda by open voting.


Central election commission
