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STATEMENT by the Central Election Commission (CEC) on the Interim Report of the OSCE ODIHR EOM on the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 8, 2021
The International election observation missions make a significant contribution to the observance of international democratic standards and national legislation, ensuring the electoral rights and further improving the electoral sphere.

Considering the importance of the participation of observers, including the representatives of foreign countries and the observer missions of international organizations, in ensuring the openness and transparency of elections, Uzbekistan has extended an invitation to a number of distinguished international organizations, as well as representatives from more than 45 countries.

To date, 380 foreign (international) observers have been accredited. More than 750 international observers are expected to attend.

Since September 15, 2021, the OSCE ODIHR has deployed an Election Observation Mission (EOM) in Uzbekistan with a core team of 11 experts based in Tashkent, and 28 long-term observers deployed throughout the country since September 24. It is also expected that 250 short-term observers will arrive to observe on the Election Day.

Since the beginning of observing the electoral process, the activities of political parties during the election campaign, the conduct of the election campaigning, the level of transparency and accessibility of information for all electoral participants, as a result of studying the electoral legislation and its application in practice, the OSCE ODIHR Mission published an Interim Report on observation the forthcoming Presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The report highlights the work carried out to improve the electoral legislation and practice, as well as reforms in various fields in the socio-political and socio-economic life of the country.

In particular, it states that «the presidential elections scheduled for October 24 are taking place amid the ongoing implementation of the program in the social, economic and political fields entitled the «New Uzbekistan», initiated by the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev».

The Interim Report emphasizes that «the electoral legal framework is in the process of reforming» and draws attention to the following positive developments:

- the requirement that the political parties must agree with the local authorities on the holding of the mass events with the participation of voters within 30 days has been replaced by a notification at least three days in advance;

- a ban has been introduced on the use by public officials of their position during the election campaigning in favor of or against any political party or candidate;

- the measures to ensure the earmarked expenditure of funds allocated to the parties and the transparency of their use have been strengthened;

- the citizens have the right to lodge complaints against the decisions of electoral commissions exclusively to the court. Previously, the citizens were also entitled to appeal to the higher electoral commissions, which increased the risks of delay, as well as impartial and objective consideration of disputes;

- voting abroad is permitted without the prior consular registration, as well as the early voting and portable ballot opportunities are introduced.

The activities of the CEC in the preparation and conduct of elections, voter education are particularly emphasized:

conducting a broad awareness-raising campaign among the population is welcomed, using various formats and methods of presenting the information, including videos and graphic materials in social networks;

the development of an interactive mobile application with a geolocation data of all polling stations, cascade training of members of election commissions, taking preventive measures for the COVID-19 on the election day is noted;

openness of CEC meetings to the public.

Along with the positive changes, the Observer Mission also notes some shortcomings, in particular, the absence of the rights of the independent candidates to run for the presidency and opportunities for citizens to observe elections, the electoral platforms that focus on general issues of improving the socio-economic situation, providing public services, healthcare, education, justice and environmental protection, without emphasis on a dominant sphere for the party, restrictions on the activities of the media, etc.

The international election observation is an important institution in the further development of democratic values, observance of electoral principles and standards that enhance the credibility of the national electoral process. The Central Election Commission expresses its readiness to cooperate with the international partners to further improve the electoral legislation and practice.