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On October 16, a regular training seminar on the topic "Elections and Gender: International and National Practices for Supporting Women in Politics" was held online.

The event was attended by representatives of the territorial divisions of the Ministry for Support of Mahalla and Family of Namangan and Jizzakh regions, as well as regional offices of the Social Information Center "Istikbolli Avlod".

The participants of the training seminar were familiarized with international standards of elections and gender equality in politics. A separate session was held on the topic "Elections and gender in Uzbekistan: the main nuances of legislation".

The topic “Gender Quota and Equality of Opportunities in Society” aroused the greatest interest. Participants stressed that gender quotas do not constrain voters' choice and support the effective increase in the number of women in elected bodies in order to better address women's issues at the legislative level.

During the group discussions, the participants showed a high level of activity.

Rakhimova, a permanent member of the CEC, informed the training participants about the issues of gender equality in the national electoral process.

The event was organized as part of the implementation of the joint project of the Central Election Commission with the United Nations Development Program in Uzbekistan "Support to the electoral process in Uzbekistan for 2019-2021".


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