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The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation begins its observer mission in our country
On October 19, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission Z.Nizamkhodjaev met with the Head of the Observer Mission of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation SM Anisul Haque.

During the meeting, the members of the Mission were informed on the commission’s activities, which are being carried out within the framework of the preparation and conduct of the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was noted that the election campaign was carried out in accordance with the standards of the Electoral Code and democratic principles.

The Chairman of the Central Election Commission Zayniddin Nizamkhodjaev said that the Central Election Commission had adopted 19 decrees and a total of 15 normative legal acts on the preparation and holding the presidential elections, including 14 electoral districts and 10760 electoral divisions had been set up and ready for the elections.

It was also stressed that the Central Election Commission had already completed the process of accreditation of international observers and mass media representatives, as well as the number of observers from the foreign countries and international organizations who was participating in the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was about a thousand.

It should be noted that the Director of the International Relations Department of the OIC General Secretariat SM Anisul Haque heads the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) election observation mission.

The Director of the International Relations Department of the OIC General Secretariat SM Anisul Haque:

Uzbekistan is one of the 57 member organizations of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation. We are very pleased that the Central Election Commission and the Government of Uzbekistan have sent an invitation to our organization for participating in the Presidential elections as observers. The current political process is very important not only for Uzbekistan, but also for the entire world. On October 20, we will start our activities as a full-fledged observer. The Mission will prepare the report on the results of the observation as well as the statement in regard with the organization related to the elections.


Press service

of the Central Election Commission