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As a result of radical reforms carried out in the local and foreign policy of the country, in recent years, Uzbekistan has confidently entered a new, democratic phase of its development. Our economy is developing and our political and legal consciousness is growing. Openness and transparency in all aspects of state and society have become one of the priorities of state policy.
Фарғона вилояти ҳокими Шуҳрат Ғаниев Марғилон шаҳридаги 32-умумтаълим мактабида жойлашган 630–сайлов участкасида овоз берди.
​​​​​​​The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a meeting with Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking Countries Altynbek Mamayusupov on December 20.
International observers and delegations of international organizations from many countries continue their visit to Uzbekistan to take part in the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local Kengashes (Council) on 22 December.
Parliamentary elections in each country are an important political process. Reforms in Uzbekistan, especially in recent years, are recognized internationally. That is why international organizations are very interested in this year's election.
The Central Election Commission held a regular meeting on December 19, 2019. It was attended by members of the Commission and representatives of the media.
Uzbekistan is opening to the world. This is also the result of reforms in your country. Today we met with the leadership of the Central Election Commission. We have full information on the preparations for the election on December 22, the political parties' promotions, and the electoral legislation in Uzbekistan. This year's election will bring new reforms to Uzbekistan. We are ready for all-round cooperation.
The former Deputy Foreign Office minister of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Alan Duncan visited the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 18.