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Two-sided memorandums were signed between a number of media and Central election commission
On August 27, the Central Election Commission and the newspapers "Khalq so'zi" - "Narodnoe slovo", "Yangi O'zbekiston" - "Pravda Vostoka", "Hurriyat", "Human.uz", "Qalampir.uz", "Bugun.uz" ”,“ Nova24.uz ”online publications,“ Bright Uzbekistan ”information portal signed bilateral memorandums on strengthening cooperation with the media and coverage of the preparations for the October presidential elections in Uzbekistan.

The program of basic measures for the preparation for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, adopted by the Central Election Commission on 14 April this year and consistently implemented, sets important tasks for systematic media coverage of all stages of the election process.

Therefore, the memorandums on effective organization of work to explain the provisions of the Electoral Code and other normative legal acts regulating the electoral process to voters, as well as ensuring openness, openness and transparency of the electoral process, raising the legal culture of voters, election programs of political parties and candidates further strengthening of mutual cooperation in the prompt informing of the public.

Consistent coverage of the work of election commissions at all levels, the rules of their election programs for political parties and candidates, equal coverage of independent views on important issues of socio-political, socio-economic development of the country in the media. and special attention will be paid to creating broad and equal opportunities by allocating publishing space.

At the same time, these documents are important because they cover a large-scale work aimed at strengthening the confidence of voters and election organizers in national electoral institutions and strengthening their sense of belonging to the Motherland and the people.

For information: On July 14 this year, the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan, the National News Agency of Uzbekistan, the National Association of Electronic Mass Media, Zo'rTV, Uzreport and Dunyo news agencies signed bilateral memoranda on the coverage of the presidential election.

At present, 814 media representatives have been accredited in accordance with the program of major events in preparation for the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, of which 766 are local and 48 are foreign.


Central Election Commission

Press service