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Long-term observers got acquainted with broadcasting process of election campaign
Pavlína Öhman and Thomas Hug, long-term observers from the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, visited the Kashkadarya regional television and radio station company to learn how the election process is being covered in the media.

During the conversation with the director of the TV and radio company Jahongir Tuychiyev, it was noted that all events of the election process should be covered by the media to ensure open and transparent, free and fair elections, public control, and the work being done by the TV and radio company. During the election campaign, special attention was paid to informing citizens about all important events and news in the 13th Kashkadarya constituency on Kashkadarya TV and Oltin Voha radio. 


For information, the Bureau for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights was established in 1990 by the decision of the Paris Summit of the OSCE member states as the Bureau for Free Elections.