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Work continues
As previously reported, the Central Election Commission within the framework of the implementation of a joint project with the United Nations Development Program in Uzbekistan "Support to the electoral process in Uzbekistan for 2019-2021" on October 12 launched a cycle of training seminars "Elections and gender: international and national practices of supporting women in politics".

On October 13-14, regular training seminars were held online for representatives of the territorial divisions of the Ministry for Support of Mahalla and Family of Andijan, Navoi, Khorezm regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as well as NGOs in the field of supporting women.

For the participants of the training seminar, a Methodological manual “Elections and Gender: International and National Practices of Supporting Women in Politics” was developed. An electronic version of this manual is posted on the CEC website (https://saylov.uz ) and UNDP (https://www.uz.undp.org).

The main goal of the training seminars is to help further expand the opportunities for women to participate at all stages of preparation and conduct of elections, and to increase the professional level of awareness of specialists.