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Discussion of OSCE commitments in the field of the human dimension
On September 26 this year, the Human Dimension Conference began its work in Warsaw, related to discussing the state of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the OSCE region.

The Warsaw Conference is organized by the current Polish Chairmanship of the OSCE with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

In plenary sessions over the course of two weeks, participants will have the opportunity to discuss all of the OSCE’s human dimension commitments: democratic institutions, the rule of law, tolerance and non-discrimination, fundamental freedoms and humanitarian issues.

The delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan includes representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Center for Human Rights, the Central Election Commission, the Supreme Court, the Chamber of Advocates and other organizations. The Central Election Commission is represented by a permanent member of the commission, G. Rakhimova.

Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, OSCE/ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci, OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid and former President of the Republic of Estonia Thomas Hendrik Ilves spoke at the opening ceremony of the Warsaw Conference.

As part of the speeches of about 30 delegations of the OSCE participating States at the opening of the conference on behalf of the delegation of Uzbekistan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Poland Bahrom Babaev spoke.

During the conference, the Uzbek delegation intends to present to the participants of the annual meeting an overview of practical measures for the implementation, initiated by the President of Uzbekistan, of the reform strategy in the social and economic, political and legal spheres under the motto “New Uzbekistan”.