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Closing of the 5th General assembly of the Association of world election bodies
As previously reported, at Cape Town in South Africa, the events related to the 5th General Assembly of the Association of World Election Bodies (А-WEB) are going on. On October 19, a meeting of the 5th General Assembly of the A-WEB was held.

The opening ceremony of the General Assembly started in the morning with the welcome speech of Mrs. Janet Love, Deputy Chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa. Then, the president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, delivered a video greeting to the participants.

The afternoon session started with a flag handover ceremony from the Chairman of the Electoral Commission of India to the Chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa, the new Chairperson of the A-WEB for the next two years.

The new Chairperson of the A-WEB, the Chairman of IEC of South Africa, Mosotho Moepya, delivered an inaugural speech to the participants of the meeting.

The General Assembly then considered the reports on the past activities of the A-WEB, audit and membership fees, and the work plan for 2023.

The General Assembly decided on the accession of new members to the Association - Hungary, Lesotho, Liberia, and the Salomon Islands.

Members of the A-WEB elected the new Vice Chairperson. As a result of the voting, the central electoral body of Colombia was elected as the next Vice Chairperson of the A-WEB.

 At the meeting, the General Assembly appointed the Members of the Executive Board and approved the candidacy of the Secretary General.

The 5th General Assembly of the Association of World Election Bodies was closed.